I am trying to accept an invite to join my team in using Sentry. When I try to sign up I see a screen like the one below:
How can I accept the invite?
Applies To
- Any Sentry User trying to accept and invite
- Seeing a message that contains: "couldn't find a Sentry account with a verified email"
- Seeing a message that says: "an account is already registered with that email address"
Note: The Sign In tab should only be used if you already have an existing Sentry account under an email that is the same as one that is associated with either GitHub, Gmail, or Azure Devops.
When accepting an invitation to join your team in using Sentry for the first time it is important to register using your email and password:
Pictured Above: An example of what the invitation acceptance flow looks like for organizations that have SAML or SSO configured.
Pictured Above: an error message indicating that an account already exists for the provided email address.
Once you have successfully recovered the account by resetting the password, you should sign in at You may be prompted to create a new organization if you are not already a member of any other Sentry org, please disregard and close the window, then resume accepting your invitation by clicking the link in the invitation email from Sentry.