I lost my 2FA credentials and I cannot log in anymore. Can you reset my 2FA?
Applies To
- All Plans
- Account security and access
- Sentry account settings
If you are a Non-Owner, reach out to any Organization Owner in your organization to remove this for you. They can do so by going to Organization Settings > Members > Your name, and clicking “Reset two-factor authentication”. Please note they’ll have to disable ‘require 2FA’ for the org if it is enabled before being allowed to reset your 2FA. If you belong to more than one organization, you’ll have to reach out to our support team.
If you are the Organization Owner, enabling two-factor authentication on a user account is a security feature, and to remove or reset it, you will need to contact support with the following information:
- Write in from the email that you are requesting be reset
- Verify last 4-digits of credit card on file
- CC two team members also in the org, particularly managers or admins