What is changing with my plan?
We are shifting from transaction-based billing, storage and querying to span-based billing, storage and querying. This shift enables us to provide a better tracing experience and give you more utility from alerts, Dashboards, Discover, and search.
Why is span based billing helpful?
It is more granular. Sentry is able to provide a significantly lower price for individual spans than for transactions (which could have any number of spans). So, for transactions with a normal number of spans, it provides savings. For transactions with a large number of spans, it gives you granular control over which spans you deem important to keep.
Are there any product changes?
Yes, we do not currently support Dynamic Sampling on the latest plan. (Dynamic Sampling is a feature that selectively discards less-important data to help high volume customers manage data volumes.) If data volumes are a concern, we recommend instead that you set a client sample rate to manage how many events you send to Sentry. If you need help, Sentry can help you determine the best sample rate to support your use case.
How can I understand my span usage?
To view your span usage, go to your account’s Stats page and select “Spans” from the dropdown
Can we roll back to transaction-based pricing?
No, we do not support rolling back to previous plans.
Is there anything we have to change with our Sentry telemetry to support the upgrade?
No. Sentry will continue to accept data in exactly the same way.
Will we experience any downtime?
No, there will be no loss of service.