I would need to include specific informations in slack's messages, such as a part of the url tag, or the user tag.
Applies To
- Team plan and above
- Slack
- Alerts
When setting up Slack notifications through your organization's Alerts tab, you can choose which tags of the event you want to include in the notification:
Therefore, if the issue does have a user or url tag, you can add it in the alert configuration, and it should show up in the slack notification.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to manually extract information from an event that triggered the alert, such as a part of the url tag, and then show it in the notification. Notifications can only show entire tags of your choice.
With that being said, you could extract this information on the SDK side and add it as a tag to your event. That is, you can use custom logic to acquire that information during runtime, and set it as a tag in the current scope. Any events that happen in the duration of that scope will have this tag, which you can then add to your Slack notification.