What are some examples of how to set the "Additional Ignored Sources" field in my projects CSP settings?
Common use cases:
// 1. Common web URLs
" (" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("https"),
domain: Some(""),
port: Some("443")
// 2. URLs with paths (paths are ignored)
"" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("https"),
domain: Some(""),
port: None
// 3. IP Addresses
" (" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("http"),
domain: Some(""),
port: Some("3000")
// 4. IPv6 Addresses (must be in brackets)
"http://[2001:db8::1]:8080" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("http"),
domain: Some("[2001:db8::1]"),
port: Some("8080")
// 5. Wildcard Patterns
"*://**" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: None, // Any scheme
domain: Some("*"),
port: None // Any port
// 6. Domain-only patterns
"" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: None,
domain: Some(""),
port: None
// 7. Port-only patterns
"*:8080" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: None,
domain: None,
port: Some("8080")
// 8. Scheme-only patterns
"chrome://*" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("chrome"),
domain: None,
port: None
// 9. Browser-specific URLs
"chrome-extension://abcdef123456 (chrome-extension://abcdef123456/)" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("chrome-extension"),
domain: Some("abcdef123456"),
port: None
// 10. Local development URLs
"localhost:3000" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: None,
domain: Some("localhost"),
port: Some("3000")
// 11. Multiple wildcards in domain
"*.*" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: None,
domain: Some("*.*"),
port: None
// 12. Special schemes
"about:blank" -> SchemeDomainPort {
scheme: Some("about"),
domain: Some("blank"),
port: None
Examples of matching syntax:
// Example usage:
let disallowed = vec![
// Example 1: Simple domain matching
" (" -> true // Matches "*"
" (" -> true // Matches "*"
" (" -> false // Doesn't match any pattern
// Example 2: Scheme + domain + port matching
" (" -> true // Matches "http://*"
" (" -> false // Scheme doesn't match
" (" -> false // Port doesn't match
// Example 3: Wildcard matching
" (" -> true // Matches "*://cdn.*.com:*"
" (" -> true // Matches "*://cdn.*.com:*"
" (" -> false // 'cdn.' must be at start
// Example 4: Local development
"http://localhost:3000 (http://localhost:3000/)" -> true // Matches "localhost"
"https://localhost (https://localhost/)" -> true // Matches "localhost"
" (" -> false // Doesn't match "localhost"