I'd like to run both Sentry and non-Sentry application monitoring SDKs at the same time.
Applies To
- All Customers
- All SDKs
We recommend against doing so. Running multiple APM tools in parallel can have numerous side-effects and introduce unwanted and unexpected behavior. Some of these are listed below:
- Increased app start up time
- Increased performance overhead during runtime
- Increased number of performance related issues and crashes (e.g. ANRs on Android)
- Duplicate or missing application crash reports
- Missing or incorrect performance and other tracing data
In addition to the above, there is a risk of conflicts or incompatibilities in the APM tools’ implementations, which may result in additional crashes. The reason is that APM tools need to integrate deeply into the app, sometimes utilizing methods that alter the flow of the application, such as method swizzling, bytecode manipulation, or monkey patching.
There is no deterministic way to know beforehand, which of the above (if any) side-effects will manifest.