I am attempting to set up a webhook notification to Google Chat, is this possible?
Applies To
- All SaaS Customers
- Integrations
- Webhooks
Currently, Google is not accepting requests from Sentry, most likely because the information in the request is not what Google is expecting. Put simply, setting up Sentry with Google Chat is not currently possible, even through webhooks.
We have a feature request for this here, so we encourage you to subscribe to that issue and add a thumbs up or a comment on how useful it would be for your workflow.
You can try to create your own app that receives our requests and "translates" them to a way Google understands, like one of the comments on the thread, but this is not something we support at Sentry.
For more information, here is our Integration Platform, which will guide you through Webhooks and creating an internal integration. Google Chat's APIs can be found here.