User receives this error in Sentry when setting up Jira Integration
Applies To
- Any Sentry user configuring their Jira integration.
- You are receiving an error when attempting to complete your Jira integration after having filled out all the requested information both in Jira and Sentry.
This error occurs when the information provided is incorrect which causes the Jira integration setup to not complete. You will need to perform the following troubleshooting steps until your issue is resolved:
- Ensure that you have followed step by step our Sentry Jira Integration guide
- Perform all of the troubleshooting steps provided in the end of this guide for problems setting up the Jira Integration
- Check the Private Key: It should be the contents of the jira_privatekey.pem file
- Check the Application Base URL: The application base url should be the URL of your Jira server instance.
- If you are using the uBlock extension and it blocks all traffic to Sentry, try the integration setup again while the extension, and any other ad blockers, are disabled. Also make sure that 3rd party cookies are enabled in the browser.
- Check that OAuth settings are correctly configured in your Jira instance.
- Check that your Consumer Key and Public Key values are correct.
If you continue to experience this error and have performed all of the above troubleshooting steps please write into Sentry support here for further assistance and let us know you've followed this articles instructions.