I upgraded the SDK version of my JavaScript Loader Script in the client key configuration for my project so I can leverage the latest User Feedback features.
I don't see the User Feedback feature. When checking the console, I see the following:
Sentry.SDK_VERSION => 8.26.0
Sentry.feedbackIntegration() =>
Feedback.js:15 You are using feedbackIntegration() even though this bundle does not include feedback
How can I enable this feature?
Applies To
- Customers Using the JavaScript Loader Script
There is no toggle to enable the User Feedback for use with the JavaScript Loader Script.
You'll want to lazily load the required integration like so:
window.sentryOnLoad = function () {
dsn: "some_dsn",
tracesSampleRate: 0.2,
replaysSessionSampleRate: 0.1,
replaysOnErrorSampleRate: 1.0
(integration) => {