I have a specific transaction / API / URL that is running a lot on my system (ie. hundreds per minutes) and for some reason only a small sample is showing up in Sentry.
Applies To
- All SaaS Customers
- Performance Monitoring
- Filtering / Sampling
This is most likely happening because those transactions are being dropped due to your traces sample rate.
To change this behavior, you have two options:
- Increase your uniform traces sample rate so that you receive more transactions in general
- Create a traces sampler function which will allow you to sample different transactions at different sampling rates
Please see how either one can be set up on the SDK of your choice here.
At any point, if the SDK is behaving in a way you don't expect, you can enable the debug option in your Sentry SDK's init. This will print out debug logs in your terminal/console that will give you an idea of what the SDK is doing while your app is running, ie. if it is creating transactions, dropping them, and why.